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New IU Police Department Central Division chief: ‘My door is always open’

By Teresa Mackin

October 14, 2022

“I’ll never forget how I got here, why I’m here and where I came from.”

New Indiana University Police Department Central Division Chief Scott Dunning repeats that mantra as he reflects on his nearly 27 years of service.

“I tell new officers during training, ‘You can’t forget those values and how you got to where you are,’” he said “It’s so important to be approachable, to be kind.

Scott Dunning, Central Division Chief, IUPD

“I want the campus community to know they have a leader they can call on. My door is always open, whether that’s for parents, students, staff, faculty or other officers. I’m here to make sure that when you come to IU, to any campus, that you feel safe. I want to make sure you know that when you send your kids to school on IU campuses across the state, there are people watching out for them around the clock.”

Dunning joined the IU Police Department in 1995 and spent more than 16 years working on the Bloomington campus. In 2011, he transferred to IUPUI, where he was promoted to sergeant and then lieutenant. In 2016, he became chief of IU East in Richmond.

Most recently, he took on the role of chief of IUPD Central Division, which was officially formed in July and includes IUPUI, IU East and IU Kokomo.

During his time in Richmond, Dunning was awarded a medal of valor after responding to an active shooter call at a local middle school in 2018. He and others ran into the school to try to stop the attack, which ended when the student took his own life. No one else was hurt.

Central Division Chief Dunning receives the Medal of Valor award. Central Division Chief Dunning receives the Medal of Valor award. He is shown here with retired IU East Chancellor Kathy Girten.

Dunning received the award for his bravery that day. But he views his actions in a different way.

“I will never ask officers to do something I’m not going to do myself,” he said. “I’m a leader that is going to be right there with them.”

He’s also a proud graduate of IU East. Twenty-five years after Dunning started his degree in criminal justice while working at IUPD, he graduated in 2020.

“I was a chief of police taking college classes, because I truly believe we can never stop educating ourselves,” Dunning said. “My lieutenant at IU East decided to finish his degree as well, so we worked alongside each other and both finished the same year. My colleagues at IU East became family.”

In his new position as Central Division chief, Dunning is passionate about being a positive example for officers and the community.

“People from all areas of the world come to our campuses; our goal is to show them what a professional, respected police officer is like,” he said. “We are here to make sure you feel safe. So, for students, we offer safe walks or rides, which you can call for if you’re heading home or anywhere on campus.

“We have made it a point this year to go around to student organizations and groups to get to know them and let them know we’re here for them, with anything they need.”

Chief Dunning stops for a photo with Lt. Brad Smoker from IUPD-East at the IU Police Academy graduation in 2021. Chief Dunning, left, with Lt. Brad Smoker from IUPD East at the IU Police Academy graduation in 2021.

Teresa Mackin is a communications consultant in the Office of the Vice President for Communications and Marketing.