Grant paves way for new multi-use path along main campus thoroughfare
By IUPUI Today
June 01, 2023
“The path will improve safety and mobility around campus, and it will be a great connector to the city, especially with the expansion of the Cultural Trail off Indiana Avenue,” said Jessica Davis, interim university director of sustainability for Indiana University. “It’s a win for a lot of different user groups.”
The grant from the 2023 Indianapolis Neighborhood Infrastructure Partnership program will cover about half of the cost of the new path. The university will provide the additional funds.
“As part of IUPUI’s Bicycle Friendly University rating, survey results revealed a consistent theme of bike riders’ strong desire for a north-south bike corridor,” Davis said. “We’ve heard similar feedback from other user groups, including the IUPUI Staff Council. This investment shows that IUPUI values the safety and experience of our pedestrians and bikers, and improved connectivity across campus and beyond.”
The city hopes to start construction in spring of 2024.
The Office of Sustainability applied for the grant, with collaboration from several other departments.
“This was a really big team effort that represents the spirit of IUPUI,” Davis said. “There were many different units involved: Parking and Transportation Services, Capital Planning and Facilities, Campus Facility Services.
“It’s a great example of what we can accomplish when we all work together.”
“We are excited about the addition of a multi-use path along University Boulevard,” said Sheri Eggleton, director of Parking and Transportation Services at IUPUI. “It’s one of many projects that our department supports, as part of our commitment to developing safe and sustainable transportation alternatives on campus.”
The funding for the multi-use path is the second grant awarded to IUPUI from the Neighborhood Infrastructure project. The first grant paid for the re-paving of University Boulevard in 2022.