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Master Naturalist training offered on campus

By Indiana Geological and Water Survey

February 08, 2022

Have you always wanted to know if a plant was invasive, or what kind of rock that is, or what to plant in your yard to create a functional and flourishing ecosystem?

For 10 weeks this spring, you can take classes at the Indiana Geological and Water Survey on the IU Bloomington campus to learn those answers and become an Indiana Master Naturalist.

The program was developed by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources and Purdue Extension Service to provide residents with hands-on opportunities to learn about the state’s natural features and resources, then to volunteer those skills for the good of their communities. For more than 10 years, Indiana Geological and Water Survey staff members Brian Keith, Todd Thompson and Polly Sturgeon have led presentations on Indiana’s geology for Master Naturalist courses around the state, but this will be the survey’s first time sponsoring a program.

“The completion of the IGWS Learning Lab affords us the opportunity to bring participants into our building to learn about geology, water, ecology and botany topics, as well as form partnerships with other natural resource organizations around the state,” said Sturgeon, the survey’s education and outreach coordinator.

This will be the second Master Naturalist program happening in Monroe County in 2022, with the other taking place at Karst Farm Park through the county parks department.

The program is open to any adult 18 and older and costs $75 for 10 sessions. Sign up on the Indiana Geological and Water Survey’s events page.