Registration open for Master Naturalist program
By Indiana Geological and Water Survey
February 24, 2025
Have you always wanted to learn whether a plant was invasive, what kind of rock you’re looking at and how it got here, or how to find and identify Indiana’s wild mushrooms?
If so, Indiana Master Naturalist may be for you.
This introductory program of nature discovery and service learning was developed by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources and Purdue Extension Service to provide adults with hands-on opportunities to learn about the state’s natural features and resources, then volunteer to use those skills for the good of their communities.
Ten classes will be held at the Indiana Geological and Water Survey on the IU Bloomington campus from March 28 to May 16.
Spring 2025 program topics are subject to change but include natural resources, rocks and fossils, glacial history, soils, water quality, trees, native plants, birds, animal skeletons, and mushrooms.
Master Naturalist is open to anyone 18 and older. The program costs $80 for 11 sessions, which includes three Saturday field trips.
Registration is open on the survey’s website. Space is limited to 26 participants.
The spring series is one of two Master Naturalist programs happening in Monroe County in 2025. The other will be hosted by the county parks department in the fall.
Indiana Geological and Water Survey staff have led presentations on Indiana’s geology for Master Naturalist courses around the state for over a decade. The survey’s Bloomington location became a host site for the program in 2022.