Work starts to restore Campus River
By Capital Planning and Facilities
January 18, 2022
Work is underway for the first of a two-phase project to restore the banks of the Campus River.
The iconic Campus River meanders a distance of over two miles across the campus, from the headwaters near Hilltop Gardens to Dunn Meadow and the large culvert at Indiana Avenue.
The “river” is more of a stream, and the restoration efforts are necessitated by the destructive forces of rainfall events. The goal of the project is protecting and preserving this natural feature that serves the campus as both a visual and interactive amenity and as a natural storm water utility.
Current restoration work focuses on the portion of the Campus River that is most vulnerable. This is also an area of campus that is heavily utilized for pedestrian travel. Allowing the contractor space to safely work will require detours for pedestrians and restriction of access to some of the footbridges. Pedestrians should be aware that heavy equipment will be using any of three construction entrances.
Heavy equipment will be used to remove, clean, replace and supplement existing stone walls along the corridor. Existing debris and invasive plant materials will be removed from the restored course. Once structural work is completed, all areas disturbed by restoration efforts will be replanted.