Every semester since 1996, author and University of California Berkeley Department of History instructor Bonnie Morris has encouraged students to confront difficult questions about the sports industry.
Who is the first female athlete you admired? Were male and female athletes treated differently in your high school? Is there a natural limit to women’s athletic ability? How has Title IX opened up opportunities for women in athletics?
IU Press has published her new memoir, “What’s the Score?: 25 Years of Teaching Women’s Sports History.” In it, Morris reflects on her decades of classroom experience and holding space for dialogue about greater opportunities in sports for women.
The book is not only an insider’s look at sports education but also an engaging guide to turning points in women’s sports history. Chapters include “How Female Athletes Disappear: Headlines, Publicity, and Media Activism,” “From Half-Court to Federal Court: Title IX and the American Playing Field” and “Challenges for a Women’s Sports Professor: Evaluating 25 Years of Class.”