Take advantage of support during Mental Health Month
By IU Human Resources
April 21, 2023
Mental health includes our emotional, psychological and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel and act every day. But mental health is often ignored until something goes wrong.
Experts recommend actively monitoring your mental state — even when you’re feeling good — and learning how to recognize the signs and symptoms of someone struggling.
During this year’s Mental Health Month, challenge yourself to learn more about mental health and how you can support yourself and others. Start by visiting IU’s Workplace Mental Health website, then check out these mental-health-themed resources and activities for each week in May.
Week 1: Mental Health Is Health
- Guide: Explore SupportLinc’s 1in5 campaign to learn how to reduce stigma and normalize conversations about mental health.
- Websites: Educate yourself about mental and behavioral health conditions from reputable sources such as the National Alliance on Mental Illness or MentalHealth.gov.
Week 2: Self-Care
- Webinar: Register for a webinar on May 25 to learn how exercise contributes to a healthy brain.
- Activity: Spending time in nature is linked to improved focus, lower stress and reduced risk of developing mental health conditions. Find outdoor walking trails and other activities on your campus.
- Calendar: Download a calendar of 31 ways to make the world around you work for your mental health.
Week 3: Build Connections and Help Others
- Videos: Learn how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illness and substance use disorders in the workplace by reviewing the on-demand training and workbook (IU login required).
- Groups: Connect with other IU employees around shared interests or life stages through an IU Work + Life Social Connection Group.
- Roadmap: Follow the Friends Supporting Friends Roadmap to make the process of checking in easier.
Week 4: Find Resources and Help
- Videos and slides: Learn about the different types of mental health support and how to navigate your options. Watch the recording or download the slides (IU login required).
- Screening: Take an online screening test to see if you are experiencing symptoms of a mental health condition.
If you’re taking steps to improve your mental well-being, but are still struggling, reach out to SupportLinc EAP at 888-881-5462. Licensed mental health clinicians are available 24/7 to address your immediate needs and connect you with ongoing treatment, if needed. SupportLinc services are available at no cost to IU employees, medical and optometry residents, student academic appointees, fellowship recipients, and household members.