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Donors needed for Season of Giving program

Two people push handcarts topped with wrapped holiday gifts. Staff and faculty drop off presents for the Season of Giving program in 2022. Photo by Liz Kaye, Indiana UniversityThe IUPUI Season of Giving program needs donors to help make the holidays happy for neighbors in need. 

Organized by the Office of Community Engagement, the annual initiative matches members of the campus community with local families who would like to receive gifts during the holiday season. The office works with its service agency partners, Christamore House and Hawthorne Community Center, to collect wish lists from participating families.

Number of people in the household, ages of children, clothing sizes and other specific requests will be provided to donors. The service agency partners will distribute the gifts.

Registration is open to faculty, staff and students. Departments, schools, student organizations, etc., are welcome to register as a group. The deadline to sign up is Nov. 27.

For more information, contact Richard Bray at