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Earn an Intercultural Competence Certificate

By IU Today

January 31, 2024

The Intercultural Competence Certificate is a free professional development opportunity for IU staff, faculty and graduate students who want to understand the complexities of intercultural communication and collaboration.

Participants will engage in interactive, in-depth conversations around culture and identity; and learn about the importance of intercultural competence and the impact it has on their work, whether in interactions with students, colleagues or the community at large.

To earn the certificate:

  • Complete four sessions total.
  • Choose at least one session from each category: knowledge, attitude and skills.
  • Attend one intercultural event and submit a short impact paragraph (writing prompts provided) in lieu of a session.

A variety of sessions are offered through the end of the semester. Each session is led by a professionally trained staff member. 

The time commitment is fewer than 10 hours over the course of one semester.