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Compliance summary to improve tracking, communication

By IU Today

February 05, 2024

As part of Indiana University’s ongoing work to centralize IU Compliance tracking and communication, members of the IU community will begin receiving a “My IU Compliance Weekly Summary” digest to address any compliance assignments that are pending, expired or nearing expiration. The weekly digest will replace the individual expiration and pre-expiration reminders in an effort to increase clarity and usability for all users of the system.

The notification process will begin Feb. 12. Assignees will receive the weekly summary until assignments are reflected as complete.

Assignees can view compliances, find links to trainings and ask questions about a compliance assignment by logging into the IU Compliance Self-Service Portal.

For more information about the portal, go to the View your IU compliance assignments section of the University Information Technology Services website.

A complete list of compliances currently in the IU Compliance Self-Service Portal is also available.