Celebrate employee milestones
Staff retirements
Congratulations to IU’s October, November and December 2023 staff retirees:
- Gregory Alter, 21 years of service, University Budget Office
- Sandra Ault, 34 years of service, Maurer School of Law
- Carol Ball, 12 years of service, University Budget Office
- Thomas Bewley, 18 years of service, Luddy School of Informatics, Computing and Engineering
- Tena Criswell, 13 years of service, Residential Programs and Services
- Patricia Crouch, 31 years of service, School of Public Health
- Carol Dell, 36 years of service, Eskenazi Museum of Art
- Mary Edwards, 30 years of service, Maurer School of Law
- Julie Flott, 18 years of service, IU Human Resources
- Fraya Fox, 34 years of service, Vice President for Research
- Terri Greene, 38 years of service, Biology
- Anita Harden, 22 years of service, Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education
- Judith Kirk, 40 years of service, Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
- Mardi Leonard, 28 years of service, Office of the University Controller
- Sarah Long, 16 years of service, Kelley School of Business
- Amy Lynn, 32 years of service, Vice President for Research
- Daniel McDevitt, 40 years of service, University Student Services and Systems
- Dee Meadows, 17 years of service, Residential Programs and Services
- Arlene Mobley, 45 years of service, Vice President for Research
- James Moore, 37 years of service, Facility Operations
- Michael O’Connor, 24 years of service, Biology
- Patricia Quimby, 47 years of service, Budgetary Administration and Planning
- Faith Ramseyer, 15 years of service, University Student Services and Systems
- Carl Rhine, 34 years of service, Vice President for Research
- Alicia Robertson, 28 years of service, University Budget Office
- Linda Robertson, 20 years of service, Indiana Institute on Disability and Community
- Douglas Shelton, 44 years of service, IU Campus Bus
- Richard Shepherd, 17 years of service, University Information Technology Services
- Matthew Sieber, 31 years of service, Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
- Tricia Smith, 31 years of service, Facility Operations
- Scott Teige, 32 years of service, University Information Technology Services
- Kim Wagner, 12 years of service, University Information Technology Services
- Carlos Webb, 27 years of service, Facility Operations
- Donna Wooten, 35 years of service, Indiana Institute on Disability and Community
- Ingeborg Auditore, 24 years of service, Infectious Diseases
- Bruce Bates, 38 years of service, Indiana University Libraries
- Tammy Bowling, 11 years of service, General Internal Medicine and Geriatrics
- Kenneth Bradley, 28 years of service, Laboratory Animal Resource Center
- Milton Davis, 15 years of service, Campus Facility Services
- Dorothy Evans, 10 years of service, Campus Facility Services
- Christy Futch, 10 years of service, Pediatric Hospital Medicine
- Merle Illg, 18 years of service, IU School of Liberal Arts
- Morris Jones, 16 years of service, University College
- Brenda Leveque, 29 years of service, Graduate Medical Education
- Kevin Mouser, 33 years of service, Environmental Health and Safety
- Kim Nguyen, 38 years of service, Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation
- Kathleen Porter, 13 years of service, Office of International Affairs
- Lorie Shuck, 19 years of service, School of Medicine Medical Student Education Program
- Catherine Clearwaters, 18 years of service, University Advancement
- Sylvia Mason, 38 years of service, School of Nursing
- Ada Douglas-Plummer, 34 years of service, Support Services
- Darlene Allen, 12 years of service, Facility Operations
- Mark O’Connell, 13 years of service, Facility Operations
Staff service anniversaries
Staff service anniversaries in October, November and December:
- Michael Campbell, University Information Technology Services, IU Bloomington
- Lisa Dovenbarger, IU School of Education, IU Bloomington
- James Drew, Eskenazi Museum of Art, IU Bloomington
- Perry Ferguson, Facility Operations, IU Bloomington
- Toni Sammy, University Libraries, IU Bloomington
- Linda Schultz-Heidrich, College of Arts & Sciences, IU South Bend
- Aline Danielson, Campus Financial Management, IUPUI
- Barbara Dobbs, University Information Technology Services, IUPUI
- Vicki Figg, University Information Technology Services, IU Bloomington
- Sherilyn Fosha, IU Athletics, IU Bloomington
- Jeffrey Gummere, University Information Technology Services, IUPUI
- Tracy Branam, Indiana Geological and Water Survey, IU Bloomington
- Theresa Cain, Office of the University Controller, IU Bloomington
- Stella Crohn, IU Housing, IU Bloomington
- Shabaun Flanagan, University Libraries, IU South Bend
- Krystie Herndon, College of Arts and Sciences, IU Bloomington
- Don Inman, IU Campus Bus, IU Bloomington
- Jane McDonald, Kelley School of Business, IUPUI
- Kathryn Neal, Dentistry Faculty Practice, IUPUI
- Michelle Petty, IU School of Medicine Gift Development, IUPUI
- John Sanders, Facility Operations, IU Bloomington
- Karen Stevenson, Surgery Chairman’s office, IUPUI
- James Thomas, University Information Technology Services, IU Bloomington
- April Younger, Central Eurasian Studies, IU Bloomington
- Russell Arthur, IU Housing, IU Bloomington
- Gail Bourkland, Treasurer’s Office, IU Bloomington
- Amy Dietrich, Anatomy and Cell Biology, IUPUI
- Alice Dobie, University Division, IU Bloomington
- James Dowling, The Polis Center, IUPUI
- Sharon Henson, Pulmonary, Critical Care, Sleep and Occupational Medicine, IUPUI
- Nicole Houston, IU School of Sciences, IU Kokomo
- Randy Newbrough, University Information Technology Services, IUPUI
- John Sarber, Facility Operations, IU Kokomo
- Jeffrey Sturgeon, Psychological and Brain Sciences, IU Bloomington
- Cynthia Wedemeyer, IU School of Education, IU Bloomington
- Margie Andert, Physical Plant, IU South Bend
- Kylie Ayers, Vice President and General Counsel, IU Bloomington
- Christopher Brown, University Information Technology Services, IUPUI
- Eric Cosens, University Information Technology Services, IU Bloomington
- Ann Cottingham, General Internal Medicine and Geriatrics, IUPUI
- Beverly Foley, Chemistry and Chemical Biology, IUPUI
- Roxana Fuentes, IU School of Dentistry Support Services, IUPUI
- Bill Fulk, University Information Technology Services, IU Bloomington
- Edwin Garcia, IU Police Department, IU South Bend
- Bridget Gentry, University Information Technology Services, IU Bloomington
- Kathleen Griffin, University Information Technology Services, IU Bloomington
- Malinda Husk, Office of Enrollment Management, IU Bloomington
- Polly Maple, Finance Shared Services, IUPUI
- Kelli Market, Indiana Institute on Disability and Community, IU Bloomington
- Martin Miller, Campus Facility Services, IUPUI
- Niraj Patel, Capital Planning and Facilities, IUPUI
- Stacey Patrick, IU School of Medicine - South Bend, IUPUI
- Sylvia Regalado, McKinney School of Law, IUPUI
- Julia Routon, IU Alumni Association, IU Bloomington
- Robert Rowe, Kelley School of Business, IU Bloomington
- Samantha Scahill, IU School of Medicine Research Administration, IUPUI
- Darrell Ann Stone, Student Advocates Office, IU Bloomington
- Rena Allen, Kelley School of Business, IU Bloomington
- Alicia Anino, University Libraries, IUPUI
- Christopher Arvin, Recreational Sports, IU Bloomington
- Gregory Boles, University Information Technology Services, IU Bloomington
- Carla Bowen, IU School of Education, IU East
- Michelle Bright, University Information Technology Services, IU Bloomington
- William Cain, Office of the University Controller, IU Bloomington
- Marian Conaty, University Information Technology Services, IU Bloomington
- Travis Durnal, University Information Technology Services, IUPUI
- Celesta Duvalle, Student Life, IUPUI
- Lisa Fields, IU School of Medicine - Northwest, IU Northwest
- Mandy Hoadley, Office of Online Education, IU Bloomington
- Joey Jacobs, Indiana Memorial Union, IU Bloomington
- Debbie Kidwell, Gastroenterology, IUPUI
- Bing Li, University Information Technology Services, IU Bloomington
- Christopher Maurer, University Information Technology Services, IUPUI
- Chris McCann, Psychological and Brain Sciences, IU Bloomington
- Kathy McDaniel, Student Central, IU Bloomington
- Matthew McGee, University Libraries, IU Bloomington
- Gregory Menkedick, Indiana Daily Student, IU Bloomington
- Keshar Miller, IU School of Medicine Technology Services, IUPUI
- Tammy Nichols, IU School of Public Health, IU Bloomington
- Donna Reynolds, Auxiliary Services Administration, IU Bloomington
- Adrienne Sewell, University Division, IU Bloomington
- Mark Smith, Jacobs School of Music, IU Bloomington
- Brenda Thompson, University Student Services and Systems, IUPUI
- Suzann Westerfield, Office of Student Life Administration, IU Bloomington
- Lena Williams, University Information Technology Services, IU Bloomington
- Julie Wilson, Environmental and Occupational Health, IU Bloomington
- Kostandin Xha, IU Housing, IU Bloomington
- Amy Zollman, Nephrology and Hypertension, IUPUI
- Josh Anderson, Kelley School of Business, IU Bloomington
- Amanda Bartlett, Bursar Office, IU Bloomington
- Kristen Bennett, Gene Testing Laboratories, IUPUI
- Sonya Bennett, Campus Facility Services, IUPUI
- Tammy Best, Insurance, Loss Control, and Claims, IU Bloomington
- Sandee Black, Orthopedic Surgery, IUPUI
- Melody Braun, IU School of Medicine Faculty Affairs and Professional Development, IUPUI
- Jonathan Canfield, Parking and Transportation Services, IUPUI
- Danny Carney, Pediatric Cardiac Development Center, IUPUI
- Tim Climis, International Affairs, IU Bloomington
- Cecil Conley, Campus Facility Services, IUPUI
- Mario Contreraz, IU Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center, IUPUI
- Deanna Cooper, Center for Health Promotion, IU East
- Darla Crawford, The Media School, IU Bloomington
- Michele Dompke, Luddy School of Informatics, Computing and Engineering, IU Bloomington
- Christy DuBois, IU Athletics, IU Bloomington
- Jennifer Dzatko, Enrollment Services, IUPUI
- David Ernst, University Information Technology Services, IU Bloomington
- Melissa Gona, The Polis Center, IUPUI
- Jean-Marc Goulet, Campus Facility Services, IUPUI
- Jennifer Green, Accounting, IU South Bend
- Anna Greene, University Information Technology Services, IU Bloomington
- Jason Groce, Herron School of Art and Design, IUPUI
- Jayd Grossman, Capital Planning and Facilities, IU Bloomington
- Amanda Harper, Health Sciences, IU Bloomington
- Terra Hay, Luddy School of Informatics, Computing and Engineering, IU Bloomington
- Joe Hunt, Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute, IUPUI
- Rita Jones, Campus Facility Services, IUPUI
- Mel Lane, Insurance, Loss Control, and Claims, IU Bloomington
- Tammy Leone, IU School of Nursing, IUPUI
- Jane Lewis, Luddy School of Informatics, Computing and Engineering, IU Bloomington
- Gezim Lika, IU Bloomington Hospitality, IU Bloomington
- Larry Livingston, IU Bloomington Hospitality, IU Bloomington
- Ellen Lyon, Eskenazi Museum of Art, IU Bloomington
- Amanda McKinney, Military Science, IU Bloomington
- Garry Milius, Kinsey Institute, IU Bloomington
- Thomas Morrison, Capital Planning and Facilities, IU Bloomington
- Grishma Patel, IU School of Dentistry Oral Health Research Institute, IUPUI
- Valerie Pena, Vice President for Public Affairs and Government Relations, IU Bloomington
- Joe Peters, IU School of Medicine Facility Planning and Operations, IUPUI
- Amy Powell, Vice President for Regional Campuses and Online Education, IU Bloomington
- Connie Purcell, IU School of Health and Human Sciences, IUPUI
- William Radell, University Information Technology Services, IU Northwest
- Faith Ramseyer, University Student Services and Systems, IU Bloomington
- Nick Ray, University Information Technology Services, IU Southeast
- Steven Rizzi, University Information Technology Services, IUPUI
- Ann Schilling, Student Life, IUPUI
- Jeff Schultz, Jacobs School of Music, IU Bloomington
- Craig Solinski, University Information Technology Services, IU Bloomington
- Kristie Solliday, University Information Technology Services, IU Bloomington
- Ellen Stauffer, Kelley School of Business, IU Bloomington
- Jennifer Stuart, Clinical Pharmacology, IUPUI
- Kylee Sutton, Stark Neurosciences Research Institute, IUPUI
- Kenndra Thompson, IU School of Medicine Human Resources, IUPUI
- Christopher Adams, International Admissions, IU Bloomington
- Kirsten Adams, Radiology, IUPUI
- Rosemarie Bailum, IU Athletics, IU Bloomington
- Susan Barlow, IU Housing, IU Bloomington
- Rachel Bennett, Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute, IUPUI
- Kristen Bohnert, Luddy School of Informatics, Computing and Engineering, IU Bloomington
- Jamie Broce, IUPUI Athletics, IUPUI
- Abby Brown, Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President, IU Bloomington
- Wade Brown, IU Housing, IU Bloomington
- Winnie Bulaya, Campus Facility Services, IUPUI
- Erin Byers, University Libraries, IU Bloomington
- Jon Cameron, University Libraries, IU Bloomington
- Juli Carpenter, Auxiliary Services Administration, IU Bloomington
- Patty Cole, Travel Management Services, IU Bloomington
- Jonathan Daniel, Parking and Transportation Services, IUPUI
- Kevin Davis, Campus Facility Services, IUPUI
- Kevin Deckard, University Information Technology Services, IU Bloomington
- Jennie Downs, College of Arts & Sciences, IU South Bend
- Jared Drake, University Information Technology Services, IU Bloomington
- Jeanette El, University Libraries, IUPUI
- Emily Elmore, Vice President for Communications and Marketing, IUPUI
- Dessa Evans, University Information Technology Services, IU Bloomington
- Adam Farmer, Campus Facility Services, IUPUI
- Christy Futch, Pediatric Hospital Medicine, IUPUI
- Troy Gentry, Facility Operations, IU Bloomington
- Patrick Hacker, Facility Operations, IU Bloomington
- Joseph Harrell, IU Athletics, IU Bloomington
- Sarah Hatch, IU School of Public Health, IU Bloomington
- Randy Hawes, Student Central, IU Bloomington
- Karen Heathcoat, Purchasing, IUPUI
- Patsy Hendrickson, University Events and Conference Services, IU Bloomington
- Heather Humphrey, Office of Online Education, IU Bloomington
- Felicia Johnson, Campus Facility Services, IUPUI
- Justin Jones, University Information Technology Services, IUPUI
- Catherine Kaufman, Campus Financial Management, IUPUI
- James Kelley, IU Housing, IU Bloomington
- Mary Ann Kershaw, Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, IUPUI
- Flossy Lincoln, Dermatology, IUPUI
- Cynthia Lipken, School of Business, IU Kokomo
- Samitha Liyanage, University Information Technology Services, IU Bloomington
- Ty Lynnes, Gene Testing Laboratories, IUPUI
- Mallory Mack, Ophthalmology, IUPUI
- Stephanie Marshall, IU School of Medicine Faculty Affairs and Professional Development, IUPUI
- Joan Mason, Radiology, IUPUI
- Benjamin McConahay, IU Housing, IU Bloomington
- Leonard McIntosh, Campus Facility Services, IUPUI
- Zachary Mitchell, Campus Facility Services, IUPUI
- Keum Soon Moe, IU Bloomington Hospitality, IU Bloomington
- Jikme Namgyal, IU Bloomington Hospitality, IU Bloomington
- Kori Nelson, Pediatric Education Office, IUPUI
- Andrea Nikolova, Kelley School of Business, IU Bloomington
- Terry O’Brien, Kelley School of Business, IUPUI
- Joshua Peaslee, IU School of Nursing, IUPUI
- Namphal Pema, IU Bloomington Hospitality, IU Bloomington
- Ellen Perry, Child Care Center, IUPUI
- Stevie Peterson, Treasurer’s Office, IU Bloomington
- Sara Rager, IU School of Medicine - Evansville, IUPUI
- Lisa Rankin, Neurology, IUPUI
- Joel Richter, University Information Technology Services, IUPUI
- James Robinson, Campus Facility Services, IUPUI
- Brandi Rund, University Information Technology Services, IU Bloomington
- Melissa Schooling, IU Police Department, IU Bloomington
- James Schwindt, Facility Operations, IU Kokomo
- Tonya Sego, Office of the University Controller, IU Bloomington
- Dustin Snyder, IU Athletics, IU Bloomington
- Kathleen Sobiech, IU School of Public Health, IU Bloomington
- Nate Sparks, Event Services, IUPUI
- Shannon Spence, Office of Space Planning, IU Bloomington
- Cassie Springer, University Information Technology Services, IU Bloomington
- Wendi Swango, Auxiliary Services Administration, IU Bloomington
- Sacha Thieme, Admissions, IU Bloomington
- Christopher Tompkins, University Information Technology Services, IU Bloomington
- Robert Triana, Campus Facility Services, IUPUI
- Amy Trullinger, Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute, IUPUI
- Stephen Utz, IU Athletics, IU Southeast
- Sherry Weber, IU Athletics, IU Bloomington
- Paul Wesner, University Information Technology Services, IU Bloomington
- Zach Wilson, University Information Technology Services, IU Kokomo
- Autumn Winfrey, College of Arts and Sciences, IU Bloomington
- Eunmee Yi, University Information Technology Services, IU Bloomington
- Lujuan Zhang, Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, IUPUI
- Tianli Zhu, IU School of Dentistry Research, IUPUI
- Myrna Abbott, IU School of Dentistry Oral Surgery and Hospital Density, IUPUI
- Christopher Artuso, University Information Technology Services, IUPUI
- Gina Backes, Facility Operations, IU Bloomington
- Todd Barker, IU Police Department, IU East
- Justin Barrett, IU Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center, IUPUI
- Rachel Beall, Purchasing, IU Bloomington
- Dani Bearsch, IU Bloomington Hospitality, IU Bloomington
- Amy Beckley, Radio-Television Services, IU Bloomington
- Grant Beloat, IU Police Department, IU Southeast
- Pravin Bhimalli, IU Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center, IUPUI
- Connie Billett, IU Alumni Association, IU Bloomington
- Rosetta Bolden, Emergency Medicine, IUPUI
- Jordan Bradley, Laboratory Animal Resources, IU Bloomington
- Natalie Brandom, IU School of Medicine Human Resources, IUPUI
- Jerry Brown, Facility Operations, IU Southeast
- Josie Brush, Office of Institutional Equity, IU Bloomington
- Darlene Bumpus, IU School of Social Work, IUPUI
- Jordan Burns, International Admissions, IU Bloomington
- Nicholas Burrus, Jacobs School of Music, IU Bloomington
- Sylvia Burse, Campus Facility Services, IUPUI
- Justin Bushnell, Neurology, IUPUI
- Matt Caldie, Parking Operations, IU Bloomington
- Jason Carnes, IU Alumni Association, IU Bloomington
- Kevin Carr, School of Engineering and Technology, IUPUI
- Juan Casas, Student Services, IU Northwest
- Aubrey Castleman, IU School of Public Health, IU Bloomington
- Dani Castro, IU Athletics, IU Bloomington
- Christopher Clark, Facility Operations, IU Bloomington
- Jennifer Claypoole, IU School of Nursing and Health Sciences, IU East
- Marie Colson, IU Bloomington Hospitality, IU Bloomington
- Allison Cook, IU Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center, IUPUI
- Jamy Coulson, Student Affairs, IU Southeast
- Holly Crandall, Gastroenterology, IUPUI
- Megan Creasser, Clinical Pharmacology, IUPUI
- Keah Cuautle, IU School of Social Work, IUPUI
- Troy Cullison, IU Housing, IU Bloomington
- Karl Culp, Biology, IU Bloomington
- Isuru De Silva, University Libraries, IU Bloomington
- Amanda Demmond, IU School of Education, IU Northwest
- Anna Dragovich, Office of Finance Administration and Budget, IU Bloomington
- Troy Dronkers, IU Auditorium, IU Bloomington
- Katie Duffey, IU School of Medicine Office of Communications, IUPUI
- Charlie Duffy, IU Athletics, IU Bloomington
- Kierra Eldridge, Stark Neurosciences Research Institute, IUPUI
- Joe Farrell, IU Human Resources, IU Bloomington
- Kyle Firestone, Infectious Diseases, IUPUI
- William Flanders, Facility Operations, IU Bloomington
- Alexander Franklin-Collier, Campus Facility Services, IUPUI
- Tyler Gannon, Radiology, IUPUI
- Kevin Gifford, IU Auditorium, IU Bloomington
- Jerry Gordon, IU School of Social Work, IUPUI
- Brandy Govert, Enrollment Services, IUPUI
- Caitlin Granfield, Gene Testing Laboratories, IUPUI
- Nikki Green, Campus Life, IU Southeast
- Adam Hadley, Office of the University Controller, IU Bloomington
- Katelyn Hall, IU Bloomington Hospitality, IU Bloomington
- Brian Hamilton, Auxiliary Services Administration, IU Bloomington
- Casey Harpe, Campus Facility Services, IUPUI
- Matthew Hartmann, University Information Technology Services, IUPUI
- Carla Hedrick, IU Alumni Association, IU Bloomington
- Tadd Hendrickson, Facility Operations, IU Bloomington
- Mario Henriquez, Plastic Surgery, IUPUI
- Nathan Herr, Environmental Health and Safety, IU Bloomington
- Catherine Hinz, Housing and Residence Life, IUPUI
- Heather Holmes, Collins Living-Learning Center, IU Bloomington
- Kevin Hopper-Knutstrom, IU Bloomington Hospitality, IU Bloomington
- Valerie Houin, Office of Disability Services for Students, IU Bloomington
- Yen-Ning Huang, Radiology, IUPUI
- Gina Hurst, Facility Operations, IU Southeast
- Amelia Hurt, Fairbanks School of Public Health, IUPUI
- Kyle Impini, Maurer School of Law, IU Bloomington
- Rebecca Itow, Pre-College Programs, IU Bloomington
- Beth Ivey, Biology, IU Bloomington
- Ryan Jackson, Facility Operations, IU Bloomington
- Matthew Jensen, IU Housing, IU Bloomington
- Justin Jerles, Bursar Office, IU Bloomington
- Otto Johnson, IU Housing, IU Bloomington
- Laura Judson, East Asian Studies Center, IU Bloomington
- Leisa Julian, Office of Administration and Finance, IU East
- Erin Kelley, Vice President for Research, IU Bloomington
- Kelci Kelly, IU School of Dentistry Clinical Affairs, IUPUI
- Jalysa King, Family Medicine, IUPUI
- Tanya King, Family Medicine, IUPUI
- Rachel Kluck, Office of Scholarships, IU Bloomington
- Brandon Knight, Office of the University Controller, IU Bloomington
- Heather Kogge, Radio-Television Services, IU Bloomington
- Tanya Koontz Orbaugh, Pre-College Programs, IU Bloomington
- Erin Korb, University Information Technology Services, IUPUI
- Brian Kortepeter, Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute, IUPUI
- Allison Kreeger, IU School of Dentistry Comprehensive Care, IUPUI
- Renee Lacy, International Admissions, IU Bloomington
- Katie LaPadula, Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies, IU Bloomington
- Tiffany Lemons, IU Human Resources, IU Bloomington
- Casey Letsch, Kelley School of Business, IU Bloomington
- Joseph Little, Facility Operations, IU Kokomo
- Greg Lovig, University Information Technology Services, IU Bloomington
- Mary Luncsford, Kelley School of Business, IU Bloomington
- Quynh Luong, International Admissions, IU Bloomington
- Mason Lutes, University Information Technology Services, IU Bloomington
- Nicholas Madden, Campus Facility Services, IUPUI
- Lane Mahurin, IU School of Medicine Financial Affairs, IUPUI
- Caitlin Malone, University Information Technology Services, IU Bloomington
- Lili Mantcheva, Clinical Genetics, IUPUI
- Michael Maranan, Hereditary Genomics Division, IUPUI
- Karrah Martin, Admissions, IU Bloomington
- Colby Mathews, International Affairs, IU Bloomington
- Elisa McCaleb, University Strategic Operations, IUPUI
- Ryan McDermott, Hereditary Genomics Division, IUPUI
- Kari Meehan, Neuroscience Administration, IUPUI
- Rob Metcalf, Physical Plant, IU East
- Torie Millican-Krieger, Jacobs School of Music, IU Bloomington
- Misty Millis, Purchasing, IU Bloomington
- Rachel Molina, Finance and Administration, IUPUI
- Julius Mongu, Laboratory Animal Resource Center, IUPUI
- Perry Monnin, Medical Student Education Program, IUPUI
- Crystal Moore, Enrollment Services, IUPUI
- Amber Morgan Walker, McKinney School of Law, IUPUI
- Sarah Mostardo, Orthopedic Surgery, IUPUI
- Alia Neibaur, Hereditary Genomics Division, IUPUI
- Jackqueline Novak, IU Bloomington Hospitality, IU Bloomington
- Emily Owen, Biostatistics and Health Data Science , IUPUI
- Jennifer Pacenza, University Information Technology Services, IU Bloomington
- Jennifer Paprocki, Facility Operations, IU Kokomo
- Sarah Payton, O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs, IU Bloomington
- Angelica Perez-Camacho, Purchasing, IU Bloomington
- Jacque Peterman, Gastroenterology, IUPUI
- Eric Reed, University Information Technology Services, IUPUI
- Katina Reedy, Graduate School, IUPUI
- Teresa Rhodes, Center for Global Health, IUPUI
- Sarah Rice, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, IUPUI
- Amber Rickard, IU Athletics, IU Bloomington
- Heather Riley, IU School of Medicine Gift Development, IUPUI
- Juliet Roberts, Employee Services, Training, and Communications, IU Bloomington
- Ella Robinson, Luddy School of Informatics, Computing and Engineering, IU Bloomington
- Ben Rudman, Office of the University Controller, IU Bloomington
- Matt Rush, University Information Technology Services, IU Bloomington
- Sam Rysdyk, IU Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center, IUPUI
- Stephen Salisbury, Administrative and Fiscal Affairs, IU South Bend
- Jack Satrom, Intelligent Systems Engineering, IU Bloomington
- Antonia Sawyer, Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute, IUPUI
- Chelsea Schue, University College, IUPUI
- Jana Schuler, Kelley School of Business, IU Bloomington
- Kirsten Stafford, Pediatric Chairman’s Office, IUPUI
- Todd Stone, University Information Technology Services, IU Bloomington
- Matthew Stubbs, Campus Facility Services, IUPUI
- Rocio Suarez, O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs, IU Bloomington
- Jana Surigao, Office of Finance Administration and Budget, IU Bloomington
- Philip Tate, IU Bloomington Hospitality, IU Bloomington
- Janna Thornton, IU School of Dentistry Oral Surgery and Hospital Density, IUPUI
- Adam Tillett, IU Human Resources, IU Bloomington
- Kourtney Turley, Purchasing, IU Bloomington
- Amanda Underwood, IU School of Optometry, IU Bloomington
- Debbie Ungar, Center for Global Health, IUPUI
- David Vallandingham, IU School of Public Health, IU Bloomington
- Erwin Van Bennekom, IU Athletics, IU Bloomington
- Noah Wade, Facility Operations, IU Bloomington
- Rolonda Wallace, IU School of Dentistry Biomedical & Applied, IUPUI
- Molly Walling, Hereditary Genomics Division, IUPUI
- Sydney Walter, IU Athletics, IU Bloomington
- Johanna Weber, Student Central, IU Bloomington
- Jeannie Wilhite, Facility Operations, IU Bloomington
- Audrey Williams, Vice President for Research, IU Bloomington
- Andrea Williamson, IU Bloomington Hospitality, IU Bloomington
- Steven Wilson, Jacobs School of Music, IU Bloomington
- Dananji Withana, University Libraries, IU Bloomington
- KayLee Witt, Philosophy, IU Bloomington
- Amy Wright, Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute, IUPUI
- Minghua Zhong, Pediatric Neonatal Basic Research, IUPUI
- Riley Zipper, Kelley School of Business, IU Bloomington
- Paul Zwirecki, Organization of American Historians, IU Bloomington