Explore sustainable transportation resources on Car-Free Day
By IU Indianapolis Today
September 10, 2024
Car-Free Day is recognized annually around the world to encourage people to use and learn about sustainable transportation options and resources in their communities.
IU Indianapolis is also taking part in the Central Indiana Regional Transportation Authority’s corporate challenge. Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to participate by signing up for Commuter Connect, which provides information about carpooling, vanpooling, and bus and bike services around central Indiana. Signing up does not require any type of commitment.
If going “car free” is not an option, drivers can still support sustainability by going “car lite.”
“We understand that commuting without a car is just not possible for many people,” said Amanda Keene, IU Indianapolis director of campus sustainability. “But going ‘car lite’ can go a long way in making a positive impact. That means walking or taking the JagLine instead of driving your car from one parking lot to another to get to a meeting; eating lunch on campus instead of driving off site; or carpooling if your team is going to an event on a different campus.”
IU Indianapolis and the city provide sustainable transportation options, resources and guidance all year round.
A second bicycle storage room on campus was recently added to Room 1008 of the Health Sciences building, 1050 Wishard Blvd., to complement the existing storage facility in Tower Garage. Both spaces have bike repair stations; there are eight total stations on campus.
All Marion County residents can also register for a program that gives free access to Pacers Bikeshare bicycles, which now include a fleet of e-bikes. There are six Pacers Bikeshare stations on or near campus.
IndyGo bus passes are available for purchase in the Parking and Transportation office in Suite 205 of the Campus Center. Students are eligible for an IndyGo 31-day S Pass, which is 50% off the cost of a regularly priced pass.
Plans are underway to build a path for cyclists and pedestrians along University Boulevard from Indiana Avenue to Michigan Street, thanks to a $300,000 grant from the Indianapolis Department of Public Works.